“Poor Self-Discipline = Poor Health & Fitness”
It’s true. Poor self-discipline leads to poor health and fitness. When you’re hungry do you grab something that will taste good and give you immediate satisfaction or do you think first and get something that is healthy and will taste good? By picking something that is healthy and tastes good you will be setting yourself up for success in the future.
The same is true with being fit.
What’s more important . . .
Watching t.v., playing video games, spending time on social media sites?
Being in shape so you can do things with your family, live longer and feel fantastic?
The answer is obvious, isn’t it?
When it comes down to it . . . self-discipline is all about the choices you make. When making decisions you must always think, “Is this really the best choice I can make for myself right now? Is this a decision based on logic (what’s really best for me) or on emotion (what I feel). How will this decision affect me in the future, both positively and negatively?”
What choice are you going to make today that will affect the rest of your life in a positive way?
WARNING: Self-discipline takes time to develop. There is no “magic pill” or quick fix. Self-discipline is NOT easy. It’s going to require sacrifice on your part. It’s going to require you being both reasonable and sensible with your decision making. It’s going to require you removing all emotion from each choice you make.