Enhancing your class experience.
We have now invested in a high tech PA system for both of our SOLO Studios. So, now you’ll be able to hear everything in a crystal clear fashion, you won’t miss a beat! 🙂
A Good sound system is designed to ensure that everyone on the training floor is capable of hearing a message loud and clear, whether it is delivered to the entire class or focused on an individual student in the class room.
A good clear voice, via a microphone, gives ultimate clarity of instruction which is vitally important for children, especially when building confidence.
There is nothing more intimating to a child than a class instructor yelling the top of their lungs, shouting out commands in class as it can make an instructor sound aggressive and unapproachable, especially to a child.
A good PA system not only saves the coaches voices, allows them to talk normally, with a good clear voice.
Benefits to our fitness kickboxing programme.
With our New Sound system, not only will you be able to tune in to every awesome beat, you’ll also be able to hear class instructions loud and clear, no more looking around at others wondering what exercise is up next!
Always investing in our members to bring you the best training and experience, helping you become a better “You!”